For Insurers

Biographical affidavit

Some entities and individuals are required to file biographical affidavits. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) requirements contain instructions for completing Form 11, the Biographical Affidavit. We've clarified some of these requirements and explained in more detail below how to complete this filing. 

Clarifications on the biographical affidavit regulation

Key management personnel

Key management personnel will differ with the size and business structure of the entities required to file biographical affidavits, so a list of job titles would not work for every entity.

Key management personnel are identified by:

Material change

A “material change” means a change to the following Form 11 questions:

  • 9 - any fidelity bond claims made or when a fidelity bond is canceled or revoked
  • 11 - a change from “no” to “yes” on any part
  • 14 - “yes” to adjudged bankrupt
  • 15 - any addition

Investigation and verification

Investigation and verification of biographical affidavits are required on the first filing of an officer or director’s biographical affidavit.

Investigation and verification are not required for updates for material changes, felony/fraud or every 36 months, unless explicitly requested by the commissioner.

Holding companies

This regulation does not override the holding company statute, which sets a shorter time frame for filing biographical affidavits.