For Consumers

CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange)

What is CLUE?

CLUE is a claims-information report generated by LexisNexis®, a consumer-reporting agency. The report generally contains up to seven years of personal-auto and personal-property claims history.

What a CLUE report contains

If your insurance company starts, denies or pays out a claim, they'll submit a CLUE report. LexisNexis® advises insurance companies to not report claims information when you contact them to simply ask a question about coverage or your deductible.  

The report will include:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • Policy number
  • Date of loss
  • Type of loss
  • Amount the company paid
  • Description of the covered property
  • Property address for homeowner claims or specific vehicle information for auto claims

How insurance companies use CLUE reports

An insurer may request a CLUE report when you apply for coverage or request a quote. The company uses your claims history, or the history of claims at a specific property, to decide if it'll offer you coverage and how much you'll pay. Insurance company studies show a relationship between past claims and claims you report in the future.

Why ask for a report?

You can check for inaccurate or unrelated information that could be making you pay higher premiums. If you find mistakes, contact LexisNexis Consumer Center at 888-497-0011. They'll verify your information with the reporting insurance company and notify you of the results within 30 days. You can also add an explanation to an item in the report that will show in all future reports.

Get a free report

The Fair Credit Reporting Act entitles you to a free copy of your CLUE report. To request a copy, contact:

LexisNexis, Consumer Center
Request your personal report online
Call 866-312-8076

Note: If you need a CLUE report on a property you’d like to buy, the owner must request it.